Posts about Real Estate

News July 18, 2024

CBRE: Fors herstel van de vastgoedbeleggingsmarkt, logistiek voorop

Read more about "CBRE: Fors herstel van de vastgoedbeleggingsmarkt, logistiek voorop"

News July 18, 2024

Ethenea: Scepsis is altijd op zijn plaats wanneer een belegging geen fluctuaties vertoont

Read more about "Ethenea: Scepsis is altijd op zijn plaats wanneer een belegging geen fluctuaties vertoont"

News July 16, 2024

PGIM Real Estate: Vastgoedwaarden op keerpunt, locatiekeuze weer bepalend

Read more about "PGIM Real Estate: Vastgoedwaarden op keerpunt, locatiekeuze weer bepalend"

News July 3, 2024

LFDE: Een baksteen in de Amerikaanse vijver

Read more about "LFDE: Een baksteen in de Amerikaanse vijver"

News July 1, 2024

M&G Real Estate: Investors should focus on income

Read more about "M&G Real Estate: Investors should focus on income"

News June 28, 2024

Fidelity: European real estate market on cusp of a change

Read more about "Fidelity: European real estate market on cusp of a change"

News June 27, 2024

SPW verleent nieuw mandaat aan a.s.r. real assets investment partners

Read more about "SPW verleent nieuw mandaat aan a.s.r. real assets investment partners"

Semi-scientific article June 27, 2024

Achmea Real Estate: Huurwoningen verduurzamen, een positieve business case?

Read more about "Achmea Real Estate: Huurwoningen verduurzamen, een positieve business case?"

News June 26, 2024

Pensioenfederatie: Samen verder werken aan beter investeringsklimaat woningen

Read more about "Pensioenfederatie: Samen verder werken aan beter investeringsklimaat woningen"

News June 24, 2024

Achmea Real Estate: Verduurzamen huurwoningen loont op termijn

Read more about "Achmea Real Estate: Verduurzamen huurwoningen loont op termijn"

Column June 21, 2024

Judith Norbart: Bouwen in vertrouwen

Read more about "Judith Norbart: Bouwen in vertrouwen"

News June 19, 2024

CBRE: Wet betaalbare huur zorgt voor forse daling van beschikbare huuraanbod

Read more about "CBRE: Wet betaalbare huur zorgt voor forse daling van beschikbare huuraanbod"

News June 13, 2024

DGBC: Eerste licenties voor certificering WEii uitgereikt

Read more about "DGBC: Eerste licenties voor certificering WEii uitgereikt"

News June 13, 2024

GREEN: Positive trends in climate risk management for real estate companies

Read more about "GREEN: Positive trends in climate risk management for real estate companies"

News June 12, 2024

DGBC: 11 marktpartijen zetten handtekening onder Paris Proof Commitment

Read more about "DGBC: 11 marktpartijen zetten handtekening onder Paris Proof Commitment"

News June 7, 2024

DNB: Verklaringen voor het snelle herstel van huizenprijzen

Read more about "DNB: Verklaringen voor het snelle herstel van huizenprijzen"

News June 6, 2024

UBS AM: Komende maanden worden cruciaal voor Europees vastgoed

Read more about "UBS AM: Komende maanden worden cruciaal voor Europees vastgoed"

News June 4, 2024

Handelsbanken: 65% particuliere vastgoedbeleggers wil niet investeren in verduurzaming panden

Read more about "Handelsbanken: 65% particuliere vastgoedbeleggers wil niet investeren in verduurzaming panden"

News May 30, 2024

DGBC: Handreiking over scope 3-emissies voor bouwsector

Read more about "DGBC: Handreiking over scope 3-emissies voor bouwsector"

News May 30, 2024

Principal AM: Versterkte maatregelen China ter ondersteuning van vastgoed

Read more about "Principal AM: Versterkte maatregelen China ter ondersteuning van vastgoed"

Column May 3, 2024

Judith Norbart: Ook de financiële puzzel moet gelegd worden

Read more about "Judith Norbart: Ook de financiële puzzel moet gelegd worden"

News April 18, 2024

PGIM Real Estate: Keerpunt vastgoedwaarden medio 2024

Read more about "PGIM Real Estate: Keerpunt vastgoedwaarden medio 2024"

Column April 18, 2024

IVBN: Ouderenhuisvesting brengt beweging in de woonketen

Read more about "IVBN: Ouderenhuisvesting brengt beweging in de woonketen"

News April 11, 2024

CBRE: Beleggingsvolume commercieel vastgoed Q1 2024 positief

Read more about "CBRE: Beleggingsvolume commercieel vastgoed Q1 2024 positief"

News April 4, 2024

Principal AM: Onrust rond meergezinswoningen in de VS kan kansen creëren

Read more about "Principal AM: Onrust rond meergezinswoningen in de VS kan kansen creëren"


Financial Investigator is the independent and leading knowledge platform on asset management and securities services for the Dutch institutional market.

As a professional working for a pension fund, pension fund office, fiduciary manager, insurance company, independent asset manager, family office, investment consultant, supervisor or any other institution involved in the Dutch institutional market, we would like to offer you relevant content.

In this news overview you will find all news items, semi-intellectual articles, editorial interviews, on the moves and round table and seminar reports from the past few years that have been posted on the website of Financial investigator.

On the right-hand side of the page you can search for relevant news based on a so-called category designation. For example, you can indicate that you want to see all news items or all on the move messages or all round table or seminar reports. By clicking on the round table reports section, you will get an overview of all round table reports from the past years. If you check the section on the move you will see an overview of all moves that professionals have made recently.

At the bottom right you can search by subject, just like on the other web pages. If you click on a specific term, all information about this topic as well as information about related topics will appear. We have made a selection of the most important topics of the moment:

Equities, ALM, Alternative Fixed Income, Alternative Investments, Alternatives, Asset Allocation, Asset Backed Securities, Asia, Balance Sheet Management, Balance Sheet Management, Corporate Bonds, Behavioural Investing, Benchmark, Blockchain, Brexit, British Pound, China, Climate Chane, Collateral Management, Commodities, Credits, Derivatives, Direct Lending, Dollar, Sustainable Investment, EMD, Energy Transition, Equities, ESG, ETFs, Euro, Europe, Eurozone, External Manager Selection, Factor Investing, Family Office, Fiduciary Management, Fixed Income, Land Rocks, Hedge Funds, Hedge Funds, High Yield, Mortgages, Illiquid Investments, Impact Investing, Impact Investing, Inflation, Inflation Linked Bonds, Infrastructure, Insurance Linked Securities, Long Term Investing, IORP II, Japan, Climate Change, Cost, Credit Crisis, Long Term Investing, Life Cycle Investing, Loans, MIFID II, Monetary Policy, Bonds, Real Estate, Emerging Markets, Pension Funds, Political, Private Debt, Private Equity, Real Assets, Renminbi, Interest, Risk Management, Risk Management, Risk Management, Securities Lending, SME Loans, Solvency II, SRI, Technology, Valuata, Real Estate, United States, Asset Management, Insurers, Prospects, Laws and Regulations, Yen, Yieldcurve and Healthcare Real Estate.

If you miss a subject or if you have an interesting article or white paper that we can include in our database, please feel free to mail us at