Financial Investigator

Feature article Sep 19, 2024

CBRE IM: Investeer in plekken waar mensen van houden

Read more about "CBRE IM: Investeer in plekken waar mensen van houden"

Coverstory Sep 19, 2024

Gül Poslu: Meer dan 125 jaar verantwoord beleggen

Read more about "Gül Poslu: Meer dan 125 jaar verantwoord beleggen"

News Sep 19, 2024

RAW Capital Partners: BoE to hold rates

Read more about "RAW Capital Partners: BoE to hold rates"

News Sep 19, 2024

WTW: 's Werelds grootste pensioenfondsen groeien weer

Read more about "WTW: 's Werelds grootste pensioenfondsen groeien weer"

News Sep 19, 2024

DGBC: Van bouwopgave naar woonopgave

Read more about "DGBC: Van bouwopgave naar woonopgave"

News Sep 19, 2024

Saxo Bank: Forse renteverlaging Fed ondanks grote onzekerheid

Read more about "Saxo Bank: Forse renteverlaging Fed ondanks grote onzekerheid"

News Sep 19, 2024

Fidelity: Soft landing remains likely after Fed rate cut

Read more about "Fidelity: Soft landing remains likely after Fed rate cut"

News Sep 19, 2024

BlackRock: Fed rate hike could cause more volatility

Read more about "BlackRock: Fed rate hike could cause more volatility"
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Events September 24, 2024

Seminar 'Balance Sheet Management & Asset Management for insurers...

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Financial Investigator

Year 16 - Issue 5

Financial Investigator is the independent and leading institutional magazine on asset management and securities services for the Dutch institutional market.




About Financial Investigator

Financial Investigator is the independent and leading knowledge platform on asset management and securities services for the Dutch institutional market.

With relevant content distributed both online and in print, seminars, round table meetings and other knowledge sessions, we focus on professionals working for pension funds, pension administrators, fiduciary managers, insurers, independent asset managers, family offices, investment consultants, supervisory authorities and other institutions involved in the Dutch institutional market.