Berichten over Verenigd Koninkrijk

Nieuws 23 juni 2023

PGIM Fixed Income: Katharine Neiss and Guillermo Felices comment on BoE rate hike

Lees meer over "PGIM Fixed Income: Katharine Neiss and Guillermo Felices comment on BoE rate hike"

Nieuws 23 juni 2023

M&G: British people with a mortgage are the biggest victim of unexpected BoE interest rate hikes

Lees meer over "M&G: British people with a mortgage are the biggest victim of unexpected BoE interest rate hikes"

Nieuws 22 juni 2023

DWS: High inflation rates leave the Bank of England no choice

Lees meer over "DWS: High inflation rates leave the Bank of England no choice"

Nieuws 22 juni 2023

Monex Europe: Bank of England hits the panic button

Lees meer over "Monex Europe: Bank of England hits the panic button"

Nieuws 22 juni 2023

abrdn: BoE's rate hike important milestone on the way to recession

Lees meer over "abrdn: BoE's rate hike important milestone on the way to recession"

Nieuws 22 juni 2023

AllianzGI: BoE heeft weinig andere keuze dan de rente te blijven verhogen

Lees meer over "AllianzGI: BoE heeft weinig andere keuze dan de rente te blijven verhogen"

Nieuws 22 juni 2023

PIMCO: UK inflation print increases chances of bigger rate hike

Lees meer over "PIMCO: UK inflation print increases chances of bigger rate hike"

Nieuws 31 mei 2023

T. Rowe Price: Akkoord Amerikaans schuldenplafond is nog maar het begin

Lees meer over "T. Rowe Price: Akkoord Amerikaans schuldenplafond is nog maar het begin"

Nieuws 30 mei 2023

JP Morgan AM : Pressure is still mounting on the Bank of England

Lees meer over "JP Morgan AM : Pressure is still mounting on the Bank of England"

Nieuws 22 mei 2023

JP Morgan AM: Wage gains pose a tricky dilemma for the BoE

Lees meer over "JP Morgan AM: Wage gains pose a tricky dilemma for the BoE"

Nieuws 11 mei 2023

DWS: Comments on the BoE rate hike

Lees meer over "DWS: Comments on the BoE rate hike"

Nieuws 11 mei 2023

abrdn: The UK economy will face recession for much of 2023

Lees meer over "abrdn: The UK economy will face recession for much of 2023"

Nieuws 11 mei 2023

Experts comment on BoE interest rates announcement

Lees meer over "Experts comment on BoE interest rates announcement"

Nieuws 9 mei 2023

DWS: Commentaar in aanloop naar BoE-vergadering

Lees meer over "DWS: Commentaar in aanloop naar BoE-vergadering"

Nieuws 8 mei 2023

abrdn: UK economy will be in recession-like circumstances for much of this year

Lees meer over "abrdn: UK economy will be in recession-like circumstances for much of this year"

Nieuws 18 april 2023

Monex Europe: Signs the UK labour market is cooling

Lees meer over "Monex Europe: Signs the UK labour market is cooling"

Column 7 maart 2023

Han Dieperink: Britse beurs op all-time high (met korting)

Lees meer over "Han Dieperink: Britse beurs op all-time high (met korting)"

Nieuws 15 februari 2023

abrdn: inflatie VK blijft sterk dalen gedurende 2023

Lees meer over "abrdn: inflatie VK blijft sterk dalen gedurende 2023"

Nieuws 2 februari 2023

BlueBay AM: BoE reactive commentary

Lees meer over "BlueBay AM: BoE reactive commentary"

Nieuws 2 februari 2023

MUFG: The Bank of England is probably now at, or close to, the terminal rate of this cycle

Lees meer over "MUFG: The Bank of England is probably now at, or close to, the terminal rate of this cycle"

Nieuws 30 januari 2023

abrdn: UK inflation figures remain alarming

Lees meer over "abrdn: UK inflation figures remain alarming"

Nieuws 30 januari 2023

DWS: Britse centrale bank zal rente met 50 basispunten verhogen

Lees meer over "DWS: Britse centrale bank zal rente met 50 basispunten verhogen"

Nieuws 12 december 2022

abrdn: BoE does not want to surprise the market

Lees meer over "abrdn: BoE does not want to surprise the market"

Nieuws 22 november 2022

J.P. Morgan: Another rise in UK inflation puts pressure on the BoE

Lees meer over "J.P. Morgan: Another rise in UK inflation puts pressure on the BoE"

Nieuws 17 november 2022

Monex Europe: Today’s budget forecasts reiterated the UK’s weak economic fundamentals

Lees meer over "Monex Europe: Today’s budget forecasts reiterated the UK’s weak economic fundamentals"


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