Berichten over ETF's

Nieuws 4 september 2020

Morningstar: Passive sustainable funds assets double in 3 years

Lees meer over "Morningstar: Passive sustainable funds assets double in 3 years"

Nieuws 28 augustus 2020

ETFGI: ETFs and ETPs listed in Canada reached new record end of July 2020

Lees meer over "ETFGI: ETFs and ETPs listed in Canada reached new record end of July 2020"

Nieuws 24 augustus 2020

SSGA lanceert SPDR STOXX Global Low Volatility UCITS ETF

Lees meer over "SSGA lanceert SPDR STOXX Global Low Volatility UCITS ETF"

Nieuws 18 augustus 2020

Invesco: Institutionele beleggers kiezen ETFs voor ESG-exposure

Lees meer over "Invesco: Institutionele beleggers kiezen ETFs voor ESG-exposure"

Nieuws 14 augustus 2020

ETFGI: ETFs & ETPs listed in Europe reach new record at the end of July 2020

Lees meer over "ETFGI: ETFs & ETPs listed in Europe reach new record at the end of July 2020"

Nieuws 12 augustus 2020

Blackrock: ETF's instroom - Goud blinkt uit in juli

Lees meer over "Blackrock: ETF's instroom - Goud blinkt uit in juli"

Nieuws 24 juli 2020

ETFGI: Assets invested in actively managed ETFs & ETPs reached record high in June 2020

Lees meer over "ETFGI: Assets invested in actively managed ETFs & ETPs reached record high in June 2020"

Nieuws 20 juli 2020

ETFGI: ETFs & ETPs listed in Canada reach new record at the end of June 2020

Lees meer over "ETFGI: ETFs & ETPs listed in Canada reach new record at the end of June 2020"

Nieuws 15 juli 2020

ETFGI: ETFs & ETPs listed globally gathered net inflows of US$65 bln. USD in June 2020

Lees meer over "ETFGI: ETFs & ETPs listed globally gathered net inflows of US$65 bln. USD in June 2020"

Nieuws 10 juli 2020

ETFGI: American ETFs & ETPs gained net inflows of 57.59 bln. USD in June 2020

Lees meer over "ETFGI: American ETFs & ETPs gained net inflows of 57.59 bln. USD in June 2020"

Nieuws 10 juli 2020

BlackRock: Wereldwijde instroom in ETF’s naar hoogste niveau van 2020

Lees meer over "BlackRock: Wereldwijde instroom in ETF’s naar hoogste niveau van 2020"

Nieuws 8 juli 2020

Morningstar: European ETF Market Rebounds Strongly in Second Quarter

Lees meer over "Morningstar: European ETF Market Rebounds Strongly in Second Quarter"

Nieuws 26 juni 2020

New record for assets invested in ESG ETFs and ETPs

Lees meer over "New record for assets invested in ESG ETFs and ETPs"

Nieuws 24 juni 2020

ETFGI: European ETFs & ETPs reported net inflows of US$10.59 billion during May 2020

Lees meer over "ETFGI: European ETFs & ETPs reported net inflows of US$10.59 billion during May 2020"

Nieuws 23 juni 2020

Refinitiv: Lipper European Fund Flows Report - May 2020

Lees meer over "Refinitiv: Lipper European Fund Flows Report - May 2020"

Nieuws 2 juni 2020

Amundi adds eight new equity ETFs to its growing responsible investing range

Lees meer over "Amundi adds eight new equity ETFs to its growing responsible investing range"

Nieuws 2 juni 2020

ETFGI: A look inside the Fed’s $1.307 billion ETF allocation

Lees meer over "ETFGI: A look inside the Fed’s $1.307 billion ETF allocation"

Nieuws 22 mei 2020

ETFGI: ETFs & ETPs listed in Canada gathered $ 455 million in net inflows during April 2020

Lees meer over "ETFGI: ETFs & ETPs listed in Canada gathered $ 455 million in net inflows during April 2020"

Nieuws 15 mei 2020

Tabula IM: European bond investors should focus on beneficiaries of ECB's purchasing program

Lees meer over "Tabula IM: European bond investors should focus on beneficiaries of ECB's purchasing program"

Nieuws 13 mei 2020

SSGA-SPDR: Het belang van ESG, juist in tijden van crisis

Lees meer over "SSGA-SPDR: Het belang van ESG, juist in tijden van crisis"

Nieuws 8 mei 2020

BlackRock: VS in april favoriet bij ETF-beleggers

Lees meer over "BlackRock: VS in april favoriet bij ETF-beleggers"

Nieuws 22 april 2020

SSGA-SPDR: Het belang van een stabiele dividendstrategie

Lees meer over "SSGA-SPDR: Het belang van een stabiele dividendstrategie"

Nieuws 14 april 2020

BlackRock: iShares 20 jaar in Europa; ETF-markt groeit ondanks coronacrisis

Lees meer over "BlackRock: iShares 20 jaar in Europa; ETF-markt groeit ondanks coronacrisis"

Nieuws 6 april 2020

BlackRock: Obligatiebeleggers grijpen naar ETF’s bij stress in de markt

Lees meer over "BlackRock: Obligatiebeleggers grijpen naar ETF’s bij stress in de markt"

Nieuws 23 maart 2020

SSGA SPDR: Three Recent ETF Trends in Greatly Uncertain Times

Lees meer over "SSGA SPDR: Three Recent ETF Trends in Greatly Uncertain Times"


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