La Française: Pre-Fed commentary

La Française: Pre-Fed commentary

Federal Reserve Washington.png

By François Rimeu, Senior Strategist at La Française AM

What to expect from the July 28th Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting.

  • We do not expect any substantial change from the July FOMC policy statement.
  • On the economic front, we expect the FED to maintain a cautious optimistic tone considering the spread of the delta variant.
  • Employment has strengthened but FED members will need more data before being comfortable tightening financial conditions.
  • We believe Chair Powell will indicate tapering discussions will continue during the summer.  
  • We do not expect major details on the tapering process. The FED may announce a change at Jackson Hole conference (August 26-28) or during the September meeting (21-22) before a formal announcement in December.
  • We expect Chair Powell to reaffirm that price increases are mainly transitory, but he might emphasize that the Committee could act if higher-than expected inflation was to persist for an extended period.

In summary, we expect the FED to maintain a prudent approach, which will have no significant impact on financial markets.