ASI: Goudprijs in de komende 12 maanden 2.000 dollar per ounce

ASI: Goudprijs in de komende 12 maanden 2.000 dollar per ounce


Hierbij het commentaar van Robert Minter, Investment Strategist bij Aberdeen Standard Investments, op het hoge peil van de goudprijs:

"We believe gold is in a fundamentally different regime that started in 2019 when it broke out of a tight 3 year trading range when measured in a broad basket of currencies measured by the IMFs SDR or Special Drawing Rights. The reasons include de-dollarization, aggressive US foreign policy and high debt levels.

"Last year 26 central banks purchased gold and these official purchases were the highest since the 1970s. Investing interest in gold has widened from traditional purchasers into pension funds and generalists who are recognizing both the portfolio hedging properties as well as the poor competition for return provided by very low yielding and high duration risk fixed income.

"Our target is $2,000 an ounce over the next 12 months even without widespread second wave of the coronavirus."