ASI: Fed cruciale rol bij indammen werkloosheid

ASI: Fed cruciale rol bij indammen werkloosheid

Monetair beleid Fed
Federal Reserve (2).png

Hierbij ontvangt u het commentaar van James McCann, senior econoom bij Aberdeen Standard Investments, op de laatste Amerikaanse werkloosheidcijfers. Als de Fed en de regering niet snel ingrijpen met bijvoorbeeld meer helikoptergeld, kan dat desastreuze gevolgen hebben, waarschuwt McCann.

James McCann, Senior Global Economist, Aberdeen Standard Investments:

“History looms large over US policy makers today. You have to go back to the Great Depression to see unemployment on anything like this kind of scale. In the 1930s a series of mistakes created utter misery and huge economic damage. Today the challenge is for the Fed and Congress to get ahead of this crisis as it unfolds. After a strong start, there’s a big risk that they fall behind and the economy’s abrupt hard stop turns into a prolonged slump that would be ruinous. Averting this scenario will require the Fed to embrace new tools like helicopter money and Congress to give partisan back biting a rest.”