Programma van Live Uitzending 'Supertrends & Disruptieve Innovatie in Vermogensbeheer post-Covid-19'

Live Uitzending 'Supertrends & Disruptieve Innovatie in Vermogensbeheer post-Covid-19'

Op dinsdag 13 april:
14:00 - 14:10 Welkomstwoord & Inleiding

Fons Lute, Investment Consultant, Asset Ideas

14:10 - 14:40 What to buy and hold for a post-COVID-19 world? (Macroeconomic outlook)

Jan Loeys, Managing Director and Senior Advisor, Long-Term Strategy, J.P. Morgan

14:40 - 15:10 Fintech and the e-Commerce Tailwind during and post Covid-19

Anjali Bastianpillai, Senior Product Specialist, Pictet Asset Management

Anjali Bastianpillai will address the drivers behind the huge acceleration of the development of e-commerce and financial commerce, due to the pandemic.

15:10 - 15:40 Sustainable Energy Transition can lead to disruption

Sebastiaan Masselink, Senior Investment Manager Impact Investing, ACTIAM

S-curves depict the phenomenon of a technology which takes many years to build market momentum and then suddenly grows to dominant market shares. Volumes push down prices, which triggers more demand and pushes out old business models. Well known example once was the smart phone, but we have seen the same happening in solar- and wind-power. Electrical vehicles and adjacent (charging) infra structure have embarked on the same route. Energy storage and self-driving vehicles will be next in the foreseeable future. We will give insights in the investment risks and opportunities with regards to private investments in the sustainable energy transition.

15:40 - 16:00 Pauze
16:00 - 16:30 Sustainable Research in a Post-COVID World

Toby Gibb, Head of Investment Directing - Equities, Fidelity International

During this session you will get some useful insights in how to improve your portfolio based on data driven research and ongoing engagements with companies. You’ll be introduced to an easy tool: the portfolio health check.

16:30 - 17:00 Paneldiscussie over ‘Hoe speel je optimaal in op beleggingskansen post-Covid-19?’
  • Paul van Hastenberg, Partner, Clavis
  • Edward Niehoff, CEO, Anthos Private Wealth Management
  • Rob van Oostveen, Director and CIO, Janivo